cluster wa-08 devotionals

Just as our bodies require nourishment to develop properly, we need regular prayer for our spiritual sustenance and health. Prayer is food for the soul; it deepens the love of God in our hearts and draws us closer to Him.“There is nothing sweeter in the world of existence than prayer…The most blessed condition is the condition of prayer and supplication.” (Abdu’l-Baha) Devotional gatherings serve to awaken spiritual susceptibilities within the participants and promote patterns of community life which are infused with the spirit of devotion.*

Read below for some examples of devotionals that the Friends are holding in our Cluster. If you are holding a devotional or planning to, let us know. Your participation matters! Fill out this short form.  For suggested quotes and readings for your devotionals check out our Resources page here. And don’t forget to share your devotional experience, just click the button below and submit your story.

“…It behoveth the friends in whatever land they be, to gather together in meetings, and therein to speak wisely and with eloquence, and to read the verses of God; for it is God’s Words that kindle love’s fire and set it ablaze.” Baha’u’llah


Using Online Tools to Cultivate Devotionals in Kirkland

“With the support and suggestions of our ABM, I have started a WhatsApp Devotional Group to expand and sustain family devotionals. Since I have children who attend both a children’s class and a JY group in Kirkland, I reached out to see if any of those families would be interested in encouraging each other to continue to develop and expand our family devotionals through this WhatsApp group. Many families were interested!

The idea is that I will send out a devotional topic and suggestion at the beginning of the month, and families will choose a day that week that works best for them to hold their family devotional. At the end of the week, we can share our experiences with each other through the WhatsApp group. WhatsApp offers an easy way to share text, pictures, voice recording, etc. and we thought it would be great if families can share their experiences through some of these options. This group is just another opportunity to connect and share experiences with each other to nurture the spiritual aspects of family life.”

Working with Personal Interests to Encourage Devotional Spaces in Redmond

“Our all ages (esp younger) devotional happened again on July 4th. We had 13 people participate, including 8 friends of the Faith, and 7 participants were youth or younger. We said the  prayer for America, talked about “liberty and justice”, played Mariocart/Minecraft, and ate fresh biscuits with jam. Grown-ups discussed orchid care. :)”


What's Your Devotional Experience?

Share your devotional experience with the cluster. There is no one way or ‘proper’ way to have a devotional gathering. We can all learn from each other and grow together. Contact us today!